Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Flat Stanley and a day at the museum

Today my friends took me to the Egyptian museum.  There are over 100,000 artifacts in this big two story building.  They are building a new museum close to the Pyramids that is supposed to open soon. In this building, there are many different types of statues, kings, queens, and everything else in between.  King Tutankhamun or as we call him King Tut, and his big mask.  We couldn't take pictures of the mask though but I found one to show you.

                                                                The front of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo
This is King Tutankhamun's tomb.  Do you see how big it is?  It's the size of an apartment.  Look at all the stuff they packed for him to take to his next life.  King Tut was a young king and a lot of people way back when did not think he was a very important person. 

King Tut's mask is made out of gold.

This is a king and queen and their two little kids.  Women always had white perfect looking skin whereas men usually had a tan.
 This is the guy who built the first pyramid.  Quite a feat right?  Do you know how big his statue is, it's about 3 inches tall.  It's really small.  I bet if he knew his statue was this little, he wouldn't be very happy about it.


                     Another king.  You can see his paint still looks really good after all these years

 I wanted to take my new found friend home but he isn't allowed to leave. Anubis was the god of the dead and he was a jackal.  His job is to watch over the dead. 

 This was a mummified dog. Do you see the monkey off to the side?  They were often found in the tombs with their owners.  They also took other pets and farm animals with them to the afterlife
This is a mummified ram.  This way the person would have something to eat when the went to their next life.  I don't think it would taste very good.

                                          They even buried their cats with them.  Even the ones laying down are mummified cats.

Shhhh, she's sleeping.  Just kidding!   I'm guessing this queen wasn't too important or famous because she wasn't wrapped up like some of the other ones.  For being dead for thousands of years, she looks actually pretty good.

                                                       Now, this is what a mummy looks like! 

Papyrus which is paper made from the papyrus plant.  The writing looks great, doesn't it?  I bet you are glad you don't have this for handwriting homework.

                                                      Hey check me out, I'm a King...with a little head though.

                                                    My new little friend is waving bye!

Tommorrow I'm going to tell you about my overnight train ride down to the southern end of the country to Aswan.

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